How nice to have captured your eye. My name is Olyv - your magnetic part-time paramour.
I'm a huge fan of great first dates. I love creating the perfect look for the occasion my suitor has taken the time to plan for our perfect first encounter. I love when nervous energy transmutes into familiarity, and anxiety eases into a comfortable exchange of experiences, glances and laughter. And of course, the occasional shared dessert.
I stand at 5’9”, my presence being often described as striking or sophisticated, attributed in part by my dancers background. I’m a delicious blend of wit, curiosity, sensuality and warmth. I value knowledgeable, intelligent men who appreciate connection, authenticity, adventure and discretion as much as I do.
I can be reached directly via e-mail at
All of the fine details will be found on my website:
And my only social media: @OlyvMoss on both Twitter and Instagram
Let’s find each other and unwind soon.
Olyv x
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